Hawaiian Sea Salt's
Money Back Guarantee:

Customer's Guarantee:

If you at any point in your trial period of the salt (which consists of 30 days) are unhappy with the product or wish to return it for any other reason, just return it to us for a full refund! No questions asked. It's that simple, give it a try, you can always return it if you don't notice how much better it is than table salt.


To Return you order please follow these steps:

1. Contact Hawaiian Sea Salt and explain you want a refund.
call: 1-808-334-3929

2. Send the bag back to the manufacturer at:
please contact manufacturer for shipping information.



The fine print:

  • 99% of the sea salt must be returned
  • We do not cover S&H prices
  • If salt has been tampered with
    (i.e.something was added or is considered unsafe now) no refund will be given
  • It is our discretion to determine if a refund is not to be given for any reason covered above
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